
Gifts Part 1 | S1 E4



What are gifts? Well for most people if you give something to someone, without the expecting to get anything in return, that’s a gift. But in the bible gifts have a couple more categories. There are the gifts we give each other. Then there’s the gifts that we give to God. And there are the gifts God gives us, especially in connection with salvation, righteousness, and his grace.

Hello, and welcome to Faith is Hope.
I’m Dave.

This podcast is about gifts, and there’s a lot to this, so I’m going to break this into two parts.

What are gifts? Well for most people if you give something to someone, without the expecting to get anything in return, that’s a gift. But in the bible gifts have a couple more categories. There are the gifts we give each other. Then there are the gifts that we give to God. And there are the gifts God gives us, especially in connection with salvation, righteousness, and his grace.

God created all things great and small. And then he gave it to us as a gift. God created his commandments, his laws, ordinances, and statutes, and then he gave them to us as a gift. God created salvation through Jesus Christ. And then he gave that to us as a gift. Everything that is, is a gift from God. And whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven’s lights. Unlike them, he never changes or casts shadows. In his goodness, he chose to make us his own children by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his choice possession. (James 1:17)

Our lives are literally a gift from God. And, that our children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from God. You Find that in (Psalm 127:3) So why would anybody want to destroy a gift that is so precious that only God can give it? Life. Now there are a lot of ways to destroy life; alcohol, drugs, sins of the flesh, and the things we do. But one thing is certain. Destroying life is what satan wants for all of us and he uses lies, deceit, corruption, anger, hate, chaos, and confusion, by not allowing the truth to exist.

And now it’s fixin to get controversial as they say. I don’t judge people or the choices they make. We all make choices and we all have to live with those choices. But we can also ask for forgiveness for those choices.

If you don’t think that this world is under the influence of satan, then maybe you can tell me why people are fighting over a so-called right to murder God’s unborn children. And they are God’s. God told Jeremiah; that before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. (Jeremiah 1:5)
So where in the bible does it say that any of us have the right to murder someone? Yeah, I know the courts ruled abortion is legal but has anyone asked why? Why would a government promote, and fund the murder, death, and destruction of its greatest resource? Its children. Which side of the battle between life and death are they on? Our children are our future, they’re the leaders, the dreamers of tomorrow, so where will we be without them? Where will we be without their hopes and dreams? God says life, all life is so precious that in the beginning, he alone created it, and he is the only one who has the authority to take it.

Now there are a number of medical emergencies, ectopic pregnancy, and other illnesses or injuries that might put the mother in danger but those are diagnosed by a doctor, and then treated. Doctors are trained to assess medical emergencies and work to save lives. But abortion is not an emergency it’s a decision made to take a life, not save a life. We don’t get to kill someone just because they’re not wanted or would be a burden to our lifestyle.

There are people who argue “is a fetus even a baby?” Look, dogs give birth to puppies, and cats give birth to kittens. So a woman is only going to give birth to a baby, no matter what stage of development the child is in, it is still a human being. But that doesn’t answer the question of when life begins. So are you ready for this? Who cares. What does it matter? God decides when life begins, and when it ends, not us. Whether it’s at conception, the sound of a heartbeat, or when the child is laying in the arms of its mother. When life begins is nothing in comparison to every child being an example of God’s greatest gift, his Love. Everything God has done is out of his love for all of us. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. (John 3:16-17) God gave his son to save us, not because we deserve it, but because God loves us. And he offers his gift of love to everyone. A love that never ends, that knows no bounds or limits.

God wants us to come to him through Jesus Christ, and I’m sure he wants us to share the gifts he gives us with others so that others can see God’s great works in us and through us. But God doesn’t force us to do anything. But he will definitely influence your thoughts with his presence in your heart, mind, and soul. And God’s presence will grow so great that you’ll see the light, so to speak.

God’s gifts are everywhere. If we’d just slow down long enough to see them.

Hey, I’m Dave – join me next time when I talk about More of God’s Gifts, and until then. I’ll see you at the Rest Area.
