
The Lamb and The Lion | S2 E4



Are you a Christian? Peter denied Christ three times because he was afraid of what might happen to him. Are you afraid of what the woke radical democratic socialists might do to you? Can you imagine the look on your face? There you are, standing before God the Father on Judgement day, everything you have ever thought said, or did lay out there at His feet. And Jesus says; He’s afraid to admit I know you.

Hello, and welcome to Faith is Hope,
I’m Dave.

Are you a Christian? Peter denied Christ three times because he was afraid of what might happen to him. Are you afraid of what the woke radical democratic socialists might do to you? Can you imagine the look on your face? There you are, standing before God the Father on Judgement day, everything you have ever thought said, or did lay out there at His feet. And Jesus says; He’s afraid to admit I know you.

In John chapter 1: 29 when John saw Jesus coming he said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world”. But why did John refer to Jesus as the Lamb of God? Why was that declaration so important? Jesus was literally born to be the blood sacrifice for the sins of the world. He was perfect, without sin. His blood was to be shed, not to cover the sins of the world, but to wash them away. Jesus came into this world as a sacrificial lamb, meek and without blemish, but he’s not gonna return as a lamb. Revelations 5:5 When Jesus returns it will be as a lion. And what happens when the lion roars? All those who are a part of the pride see him for who he is, the king. All the other animals run in fear.

Jesus said “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me.” John 10:14 He also said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” Again, John 10:27. So do you know the good shepherd’s voice? Or do you think you know what the world says his voice sounds like? For example, recently the pope said that homosexuality is a sin, but it shouldn’t be thought of as a crime. But isn’t sin a crime against God and his commandments, laws, ordinances, and statutes? If sin isn’t a crime why are there punishments? Satan says don’t stand up against sin, just accept it, ignore it, it doesn’t concern you. But when you lie, you sin. When you ignore it, turn your back on sin, you’re turning your back on God. We’re not supposed to judge others for their sins. Each of our sins, and to judge others, we would have to judge ourselves. But we’re not to just accept what we know is wrong. We can’t just ignore it. Look around you, look around the world at everything that has happened and is happening. One sin, the sin of disobedience has caused all this. Do you think that if you ignore sin it’s just going to go away?

The world wants us to ignore sin, to just turn a blind eye to what we know is wrong. So that it can continue to grow, to destroy everything that God has created. And if you speak out against it. Or if you stand up in the face of it, then you will be attacked. You could be imprisoned, you could lose everything including your life. But everything here on earth is temporary. This earth as we know it right now will pass away. All the evil that is around us right now will not always be here. Our bodies will not be forever. God is forever. Heaven is forever, and hell is forever.

Do you think that the antichrist is going to knock on your door and ask you to please take this mark? No, he’s going to lie, cheat, steal, deceive and corrupt his way into the world, the world governments, and religions. Sorry, that’s not some conspiracy theory, or false claim, that’s just the way it is and the way it’s going to happen. Look at what the world did with the coronavirus. The government said everyone must wear a mask. Everyone must get vaccinated. Everyone must get boosted. And look at everyone who did it, without question. They just did what they were told to do. It didn’t matter if they had religious objections or concerns. If you didn’t do what you were told to do without question, to just follow what the government said, you were attacked from every side. If you weren’t vaccinated, some hospitals denied the person life-saving surgery. People lost their jobs, and the persecution still continues.

So what’s it going to take for you to wake up to what’s going on around you? Do you know what’s being taught in your children’s schools? CRT, transgender, and homosexuality it’s evil, and it’s a lie, but it’s being taught behind the backs of the parents. When has the truth ever had to sneak around and hide in the darkness? A lie can’t exist in the light of truth.

When Jesus Christ returns, he is going to battle with evil. With the false prophet, the antichrist, and satan himself. Jesus will defeat evil, all evil. The lies, the deceit, all of it, and if you’re not standing with Jesus, you will be defeated by satan. None of us can claim to be a Christian, and ignore sin. We can’t just accept it, and if you do then ask yourself one simple question; Does Jesus know who I am? Just because you know Jesus, doesn’t mean that he knows you, I guarantee it. Read Matthew chapter 7: 21-23.

It all comes down to choice. We can choose to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Or we can choose not to. But do you remember where John said people will accept the mark of the beast? On their right hand or forehead. In other words, your thoughts, your actions. We will be known by our fruits. Do you think that just because you claim to be a Christian that your thoughts and actions won’t tell everyone who you truly are? Look, you can’t shoot yourself in the foot and not expect to walk with a limp. You can’t claim to be a Christian and just accept sin.

It’s time to take a stand. You can walk on this side of the road. Or you can walk on that side of the road. But if you try to walk down the middle of the road, you’re going to get run over from both directions.

Please, share our website, and share these podcasts with others. It’s so important that we share God’s message of salvation through Jesus Christ with everyone. What God has given me doesn’t make me God’s message. It makes me one of his messengers, just like you.

Hey, I’m Dave – Join me next time when I talk about “Satan’s Government”. And until then, I’ll see you at the Rest Area.
